SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE, i’m so lucky, 4-song 7″ Peach, Cream, Turquoise Splatter Vinyl, Saddle Creek, 2023

Out Friday! In stock and available to order now but no local pick up until Friday, September 1.

SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE have been making thrilling and beguiling “collage rock” for the better part of a decade. Across four albums, they’ve stretched the boundaries of genre with songs that often abruptly contort from inviting hooks to menacing bursts of noise and sample-based chaos. With their new EP i’m so lucky, the Philadelphia trio of Zack Schwartz, Corey Wichlin, and Rivka Ravede close the chapter of 2021’s ENTERTAINMENT, DEATH with four tracks that count among the most confident, dynamic, and streamlined music of their careers so far. This is the band at its most lucid and emotionally transparent.

The entire four-song release, recorded at their new studio in Philly, captures all sides of the band. These tracks feel alive and unfussy: a document of a band in control and pushing themselves even further.

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