The Chills, Scatterbrain-Storms: Outtakes, 7″ Vinyl Single, Fire Records, 2023

Out FRIDAY FEB 10! No local pick up until Friday! In stock and available to order now.

Dunedin’s finest, The Chills follow their acclaimed seventh studio album ‘Scatterbrain’ with a special 7” Scatterbrain-Storms: Outtakes. This special release features three brand new tracks ‘The Dragon with the Sapphire Eyes’, ‘No One Knows Better Than Me’ and ‘Nowhere’. “We felt these were too good not to be released and were actually the first three songs we wrote for ‘Scatterbrain’ before it’s lyrical tone and musical direction became established. It was important to us to offer fans something special on the tour” Martin Phillipps Recorded at Port Chalmers Recordings Services, Scatterbrain-Storms: Outtakes was produced by Tom Healy with assistance from Tom Bell. The Chills are Martin Phillipps, Oli Wilson, Erica Scally, Callum Hampton and Todd Knudson.

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