Radiohead, Ok Computer, 180 Gram Double Vinyl, LP, XL Recordings, 2022

Original price was: $37.99.Current price is: $34.99.

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New, sealed double vinyl pressing of this twist on modern age guitar rock highlighted by eerie keyboards, odd time signatures, and complex syncopation.

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GTIN: XLLP781 SKU: 634904078119 Categories: , , Tags: , , , , ,

Radiohead, Ok Computer, 180 Gram Double Vinyl, LP, XL Recordings, 2022

New, sealed double vinyl pressing.

Even at it’s most adventurous – such as the complex, multi-segmented “Paranoid Android” – the band is tight, melodic, and muscular, and Thom Yorke’s voice effortlessly shifts from a sweet falsetto to vicious snarls. It’s a thoroughly astonishing demonstration of musical virtuosity and becomes even more impressive with repeated listens, which reveal subtleties like electronica rhythms, eerie keyboards, odd time signatures, and complex syncopation.

Yet all of this would simply be showmanship if the songs weren’t strong in themselves, and OK Computer is filled with moody masterpieces, from the shimmering “Subterranean Homesick Alien” and the sighing “Karma Police” to the gothic crawl of “Exit Music (For a Film).” OK Computer is the album that establishes Radiohead as one of the most inventive and rewarding bands of the ’90s. – Using the textured soundscapes of The Bends as a launching pad, Radiohead delivered another startlingly accomplished set of modern guitar rock with OK Computer.

The anthemic guitar heroics present on Pablo Honey and even The Bends are nowhere to be heard here. Radiohead have stripped away many of the obvious elements of guitar rock, creating music that is subtle and textured yet still has the feeling of rock roll.

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