NOFX, White Trash, 30th Anniversary Edition, Sea Blue & Clear Cloudy Vinyl, Epitaph, 2022

Original price was: $26.98.Current price is: $23.99.

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Limited sea blue and clear cloudy colored vinyl LP pressing. The fourth studio album by NOFX, originally released in 1992.

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NOFX, White Trash, Two Heebs and a Bean, 30th Anniversary Edition, Sea Blue & Clear Cloudy Vinyl, Epitaph, 2022

Limited sea blue and clear cloudy colored vinyl LP pressing. White Trash, Two Heebs and a Bean is the fourth studio album by NOFX, originally released in 1992. It is the first NOFX album to feature El Hefe on guitar, replacing Steve Kidwiller, who left the band in 1991. White Trash, Two Heebs and a Bean was also the first NOFX album not produced by Brett Gurewitz, who produced the band’s first three albums. The title is a reference to the eclectic ethnic identities of the band members: white “trash” (Erik Sandin), two Jews (Fat Mike and Eric Melvin), and a Hispanic man (El Hefe).

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