Jethro Tull – Too Old To Rock n’Roll: Too Young To Die – Ltd Ed, 180 Gram, Vinyl, LP, Remix by Steven Wilson, Parlophone, 2016

Brand new, sealed copy. Remastered and remixed by Steven Wilson. Too Old to Rock ‘n’ Roll: Too Young to Die! Is the ninth studio album released by British band Jethro Tull, recorded in December 1975 and released in 1976. It is the first album to include bassist John Glascock who also contributes with backing vocals. Too Old to Rock ‘n’ Roll: Too Young to Die! Is the last Jethro Tull concept album, which follows the story of Ray Lomas, an ageing rocker that found fame with the changes of musical trends. Jethro Tull frontman Ian Anderson says the point of the album was to illustrate how his style of music may go out of popularity with every other fashion and fad, but he is determined that if he sticks to it, everything comes back around and the style will rise again.

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