Kramer & Friends, Rings Of Saturn, 6 Colored Vinyl 7″ Singles Box Set, Shimmy Disc, 2023

Original price was: $97.98.Current price is: $88.99.

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6 colored vinyl 7″ singles featuring Kramer with a number of guest artists!

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Kramer & Friends, Rings Of Saturn, 6 Colored Vinyl 7″ Singles Box Set, Shimmy Disc, 2023

In 2022, the pandemic seemed to be receding to the point where artists could work together again, literally side by side. So, as a kind of ‘follow-up’ to my Joyful Noise 2020 Artist-in-Residence box set, I revisited the notion of a limited-edition vinyl box celebrating the joys of collaboration. i thought about it for a good long while, and eventually, it felt good. I then put the idea under a microscope and found that it felt even better when I minimized the project to six 33rpm EP’s on 7″ vinyl. The borderless landscapes of audio art, tempered by the imaginations of the artists I chose to work with, then cast against the myriad infinities of mysteries betwixt those ageless, spinning rings… those rings that seem to sing, “… listen to us… ” Rings of Saturn won’t change the world, but the words & music dervishing off these grooves accurately expresses the Love poured into the foundations beneath these Nocturnes (w/ Britta Phillips), Psalms (w/ David Grubbs), Preludes (w/ Eerie Wanda), Elegies (w/ Jad Fair & Danielson), Laments (w/ Paul Leary), and Hymns (w/ Rob Crow). Working with others is my lifeblood. I am nothing without them.

Below is just one of the singles done with Paul Leary of Butthole Surfers.

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